Our training and resources open doors into the tech industry.

What We Do

We provide resources and professional development for computer science teachers to help them meet the diverse needs of all of their students.

We help schools and districts grow their computer science programs through custom curriculum, training programs for teachers, and events for students.

We offer DEI consulting for tech companies to help them recruit and retain women.

Impact From Our Programs

For each teacher we train, we're able to reach over 100 students... every year!

Schools we've worked with have more than tripled the number of girls who signed up for computer science!

Through materials that focus on representation, we're opening doors for the next generation of leaders in tech.

We're on a mission to make computer science equitable. We're starting by ensuring K-12 computer science educators can meet the diverse needs of all of their students. We offer training to educators to give them the confidence and knowledge to make their computer science lessons challenging, engaging, and relevant to the students in their classrooms. We also provide resources and lessons to help teachers inspire their students to create a better tech industry.

Interested In Working With Us?

Our programs have paved the way for students from all backgrounds to fall in love with computer science! We've more than tripled the number of girls who sign up for computer science courses, and we've helped teachers to recruit, support, and retain underrepresented students. (100% of the teachers who've taken our training would recommend it to a colleague!)

We're always excited about an opportunity to make computer science education and the tech industry more equitable, and we'd love to work with you!

Help Support Our Work

We've already had an impact on more than 2,000 students, and we're hoping to double that in the next year! We're pushing the boundaries of the tech world, opening doors to people who otherwise wouldn't have access and expanding computer science to highlight the ethical challenges, policy decisions, and vast array of career options that exist in the tech industry. We're proud of our results and we hope to expand our work, but we can't do it without your help!

About Our Founder

Megan is an app developer with a background in computer science, English, and education. After 10 years of working on games and kids' apps where she was usually one of the only women on her team, Megan founded A New Pipeline to create a better tech industry. She believes that everyone can learn to code and that what the world needs is computer scientists who are compassionate, empathetic, and collaborative.