Portrait of Kate Hartman

Kate Hartman

computer scientist, artist, professor

Kate Hartman is interested in the ways technology augments or interferes with social interactions. She designs products that explore the relationship between humans and technology and how that relates to our privacy and social experiences.

Fun Facts:
  • She wrote a book on wearable electronics
  • She has work in the MOMA
  • She hopes to work in Antarctica one day

Product Design & Wearables

The job of a Product Designer is to find a problem that someone is having and then come up with a product that will solve that problem. Product designers are empathetic and observant, and they work hard to really understand a problem and the people it affects so they can design the best possible solution. Sometimes, when a problem is related to our bodies (i.e. trying not to touch your face or protecting your ears from loud noises), you might want to design something that could be worn on your body. These wearable electronics (wearables for short) are becoming more and more integrated into our daily lives!

Explore This Topic

Learn more about Kate Hartman, product design, and wearable technology with these resources:


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