Machine learning is a way to teach a computer a complicated concept by giving the computer a lot of examples of the thing you want it to learn. Computers can use the examples to teach themselves by picking out patterns and similarities in the examples and then applying those patterns to new data. This method makes it much easier to teach computers complicated tasks, but the computer is only as good as the examples it's given. A bad set of examples can have unintended consequences.
Introduce Laura Gómez and machine learning with the information above
Watch this video (4:49) where Laura Gómez answers 20 questions about her life, career, and thoughts on AI
Explore machine learning: Have students read this article to learn more about how AI can do a BAD job in selecting candidates for a job, and then try programming their own machine learning model to select good candidates for a job using Machine Learning for Kids. Older kids can build a model based on words and choose what to look for in a resume. Younger kids can build a model based on images to try to identify a person's job based on the way they're dressed.
Learn more about Laura Gómez and machine learning with these resources:
A New Pipeline's Introduction to Machine Learning
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