Learn more about Mica Alaniz and front end development with these resources:
Mica Alaniz's Keynote at Octogatos Conf 2020
Choose a cause you're passionate about (this could be anything--from political causes like Mica talks about to plastic in the ocean or a local food kitchen!) and create an app for that cause. Think about the information that you'll want to display to people and how they might want to interact with your app. Draw the different screens for your app on paper and have a friend go through the flow as if it were a real app!
Create a personal website! Use HTML and CSS to design a website that shows off your favorite things! Add in a JavaScript quiz to test how well someone knows you!
Codepen.io has a bunch of projects made by other people that you can copy and play around with to explore HTML, CSS, and JacaScript!
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