We run professional development for teachers periodically throughout the year. Our training covers all of the programming knowledge needed for the AP CSP course in addition to major topics in computer science like cybersecurity, algorithmic bias, and product design.
We also do custom professional development for schools or districts. We can run one of our existing courses or develop something to address your teachers' specific needs!
Explore major topics in computer science and learn about different careers in the tech industry from the women who are rocking it every day!
Whatever subject you're teaching, we have ideas for ways to introduce your students to computer science.
Our programs have paved the way for students from all backgrounds to fall in love with computer science! We've more than tripled the number of girls who sign up for computer science courses, and we've helped teachers to recruit, support, and retain underrepresented students. We have already had an impact on more than 2,000 students, and we're hoping to double that in the next year, but we can't do it without your help!